Schools are one of the greatest mission fields in America. When Christ followers cover campuses in prayer, evil is pushed back and the Kingdom of God advances. PBBA encourages each church to adopt a school campus and be a prayer champion for the students, faculty and staff. Here's how...
Option 1:
- Contact the principal of a school your church will adopt to pray for (see list of schools below)
- Inform the principal of your church’s desire to pray over their campus before school begins; may they have permission to do so?
- Follow the guidelines given by the principal, if any, for praying over campus (and inside building if permitted).
- Inquire of the principal any items they would like your church to pray for.
- Set date for church to pray prior to the first day of school.
- Develop a plan and commit to be a prayer champion throughout the year for that school, both on campus (with permission) and off. (Contact PBBA for additional ideas)
Option 2:
- Contact a teacher and inquire what school supplies he or she needs; deliver them and pray over her and the classroom during pre-planning.
- Regularly connect with the teacher to pray for them (in person, phone, cards and notes).
Escambia Schools
Elementary Schools
Middle Schools
High Schools
Alternative Schools